Rowing Machine Exercise Benefits to Improve Your Fitness for Beginners

Rowing Machine Exercise Benefits to Improve Your Fitness for Beginners

Rowing machines are a great way to get in shape, have fun and improve your health. This article will list some of the benefits of rowing machine exercise that you can also achieve.

Rowers offer a full body workout, which can help tone muscles and improve your cardiovascular health. It’s important to know what you’re getting into before purchasing your first rowing machine though.

Top 5 Rowing Machine Exercise Benefits

This post will cover some of the benefits of rowing machines as well as how they differ from other fitness equipment.

1. Rowing Machine Workouts Improve Cardio and Your Heart’s Health

Rowing is known as one of the best cardiovascular exercises and it’s excellent for keeping your heart healthy. When you are rowing you are exercising multiple large muscle groups simultaneously.

This means not only do you get a good overall workout but your heart and lungs will be working harder to push the oxygenated blood to all those large muscle groups throughout the workout session.

No other exercise machine will work improve your cardio in such a short duration exercise duration.

2. Calorie Burning When Rowing

If you are looking to burn calories or lose a little weight to get fitter and more healthy then rowing should be a exercise you should consider.

Rowing is the ultimate gym multi-tasker and a time saver when working out. A rowing machine works many major muscle groups in your body and exercises all these major muscle groups at the same time. This is how it saves you time on your training sessions.

Benefits of Rowing Machine Exercise

Rowing machine exercise can burn up to 800 calories an hour depending on the intensity that you row! You can expect to burn 300 to 400 calories an hour with just a low intensity rowing workout.

3. Rowing Machine Exercise Provides Whole Body Workout Training

Rowing exercise works out a whole range of muscle groups and just by focusing on a regular rowing workout routine you will achieve a full-body workout. Even the elliptical trainer which many believe to be one of the hardest training machines and will activate up to 80% of your muscle groups, does not activate as many muscles as the rowing machine.

When you are working out with a rowing machine 25% of the effort when you are rowing will come from your upper body and 75% of the effort rowing will come from your lower body.

Most of the muscle groups and quite a few of the minor groups are activated when you row. Your abs, biceps, triceps, quads, shoulders, hamstrings to name just a few.

Your fore arms, legs, core muscles and glutes are activated when you pull back on the initial phase of the rowing stroke.

Your shoulders, biceps, back muscles and core muscles are activated when you pull back on the latter phase of the rowing stroke.

4. Strength and Muscle Training from Rowing

Rowing is not for bulk muscle building like a body builder. But if you want better defined muscle toning and muscle sculpting then rowing is a great muscle building workout.

Rowing is a low-impact, high efficiency way to work your entire body. From strengthening the core muscles and improving balance all while burning calories that will help you lose weight!

Rowers can expect their arms, abs & back as well as chest and butt (glutes) being toned up too in just a few rowing sessions.

It’s not uncommon for rowing machine users to often see visible benefits of rowing machine exercise, often huge results after only 8 weeks of regular rowing workouts.

Strengthening your core, back, arms and abs muscles is most commonly noted as areas seen for general improvement from rowing.

Your chest and glutes will also appear firmer and more toned.

5. Benefits of Rowing Machine Exercise Workouts for Seniors

Rowing machine exercise benefits are often referenced as a great exercise method for seniors because it is a low joint stress method of exercise.

As people age their recovery rate decreases so it is worth remembering to not push yourself too hard when starting rowing as a senior.

Similar to any beginner starting a new exercise start out slow and build up your resistance and stamina over time.

If you have any existing health conditions we recommend you consult your physician’s advice if in any doubt.

Rowing is a great workout method for seniors as it is low impact exercise method for your joints. It is not necessary to push yourself hard in order to be able to exercise.

Just by establishing a regular workout routine for working out for up to 10 to 15 minutes several times a week is a great method to get started and you will soon see the benefits of rowing machine exercise.

Rowing is often also cited as reducing stress and improving mental clarity but many other forms of exercise can also claim this benefit from increased focus and concentration on an activity.

Benefits of Rowing Machine Exercise Conclusion

We hope you have found this information useful and that it has given you some insight into the benefits of rowing machine exercise. If so, please share your thoughts with us in a comment below or on our Facebook page!

You can also check out our other rowing machine and fitness related blog posts for more fitness related content. In addition to physical health, there are other important benefits from regular exercise such as increased self-esteem and better quality sleep which we explore here. And don’t forget about the mental health benefits – click here to read all about them!

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